MGH Property Services
H.M.O. Coronavirus 22-3-20
A quick update regarding the coronavirus outbreak & our thoughts on procedures/ precautions to be taken & recommendations to prevent the spread of any infection.
I fully accept that living in a House of Multiple Occupation always presents challenges regarding space, living with each other & respecting each movements, none more so than at this moment in time.
Before proceeding any further, I hope that you all read the recent link which I sent out. If you have not, then here is the link Please make time to read this & implement the recommendations.
Should anyone in the household contract the Virus will you all have to follow the instructions on the above link. Whilst this might seem excessive, it is the recommendation of the NHS is the same / similar to all households throughout the country.
Another consideration is that it might be prudent to reduce the use of the communal areas in order to restrict the risk of contamination but I do accept the problems associated with this as you are all in effect one family by association.
I have been asked if we have implemented a ban on visitors to the property. The answer to this is no, we have not. Well not yet anyway. There are 2 reasons for this decision..
1) It is our understanding that visitors to the property are minimal.
2) The government has yet to update their recommendations to a lock down. If this happens then obviously we will do so. However, in the meantime, should you receive any visitors please restrict their movement to your room & ensure that they clean their hands on entering the property & implement the following procedures.

One final word on this subject of visitors. Should the majority of tenants prefer to impose restriction on visitors then it would only be fair to implement the wish of the majority. So if you prefer to implement this restriction then please text me with the word Ban. Should I receive 4 or more requests then I will implement this request.
I am away at the moment attending to other tenants issues but should anyone catch the virus please text me so that I am aware & that isolation procedures can be put in place.
Meanwhile, in the meantime please continue to social isolate as far as practical as we will when I visit the property.